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jugular vein造句

"jugular vein"是什么意思  
  • Bilateral internal jugular vein stenting is also a rare procedure
  • Rip his jugular vein out
  • First , the blood supply from that skin drains into the internal jugular vein
  • External jugular vein
  • Internal jugular vein
  • Arterial injury took place in 2 cases of internal jugular vein group and the operation failed in 3 cases
    经颈内静脉组有2例动脉损伤, 3例穿刺失败。
  • Effect observation of applications of picc and internal jugular vein catheter in elderly critical patients
  • The treatment of portal hypertension due to liver cirrhosis with intrahepatic portacaval shunt through jugular vein
  • After two weeks their extracted and conditioned stem cells were infused into their bloodstream , via the jugular vein
  • Results : there were no complications detected in external jugular vein group , but the operation failed in 5 cases
  • It's difficult to see jugular vein in a sentence. 用jugular vein造句挺难的
  • Conclusion : central venous cannulation through external jugular vein is a method which is more simply operated and has fewer complications
  • Venous hum is accentuated by deep inspiration in most patients and may be obliterated by the valsalva maneuver or by pressure on the internal jugular vein
  • We report on a patient with cvt associated with bijvs , who was treated successfully using direct thrombolysis and bilateral internal jugular vein stenting
  • The physical signs of jugular vein engorgement and gallop rhythm as well as the pericardial calcification on the chest roentgeno gram lead to the diagnosis of constrictive pericarditis
  • Result : the c3 to c7 , intervertebral discs , spinal cord , cervical nerves , vertebral artery , longus colli , larynx ( trachea ) , pharynx ( esophagus ) , common carotid artery ( internal and external carotid artery ) , internal jugular vein , vagus nerve and sternocleidomastoid were successfully reconstructed and displayed
    结果:成功重建并立体显示第3 ~ 7颈椎、椎间盘、脊髓、颈神经、椎动脉、颈长肌、喉(气管) 、咽(食管) 、颈总动脉(颈内、外动脉) 、颈内静脉、迷走神经和胸锁乳突肌等解剖结构的位置关系,建立了颈前入路相关结构的三维可视化模型。
  • Objective : to investigate the effect of pumpless portosystemic bypass in clinical piggyback liver transplantation . methods : after catheterized inferior mesenteric vein , the silastic catheter ( filled with heparin saline ) was connected with the catheterized tube of internal jugular vein or subclavian vein in four piggyback liver transplantation patients . the channel was opened after the portal vein was occluded . the portal vein blood poured into the superior vena cava through the pumpless channel . the changes of mesenteric congestion , portal vein pressure , blood pressure and pulse were observed . results : during the occlusion of portal vein , the portal vein pressure was increased greatly , the intestine was congested and swelled obviously and the blood pressure and pulse fluctuated gently . after the pumpless bypass opened , intestinal congestion and swell were abated markedly , the portal pressure , blood pressure and pulse gradually returned to normal range . conclusions : pumpless portosystemic bypass shows a great effect on clinical piggyback liver transplantation . it is a feasible and economical method
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